Think about your credit score a little bit like a rating for an Uber driver or Airbnb. It’s based on your borrowing and repayment history, and is a crucial consideration for banks when you apply for a loan.
Your score is determined by credit bureaus in Australia. They use a range of information to give you a credit score, generally between 0 and 1200. This number can differ between agencies.
Credit Score Range | illion | Equifax | Experian |
Excellent | 800-1000 | 833-1200 | 800-1000 |
Very good | 700-799 | 726-832 | 700-799 |
Average | 500-699 | 622-725 | 625-699 |
Fair | 300-499 | 510-621 | 550-624 |
Low | 0-299 | 0-509 | 0-549 |
In the future, your credit score will help other banks and lenders determine whether or not to give you a loan. They use your credit score, alongside their own criteria, to decide if they should lend you money, how much and at what interest rate.
To calculate your score, agencies look at a variety of things including:
There are lots of different ways you can start building your credit score.
To find out what your credit score is, you’ll need to contact a credit reporting bureau. These bureaus are obligated to give you access to your consumer credit report for free once every three months. You can also request a free copy if you’ve been refused credit within the last 90 days, or if your credit-related personal information has been corrected.
You can request a copy of your credit report from any credit reporting bodies, however we generally recommend Equifax as it's the largest in Australia.
If you need help navigating the world of credit scores and loans, a member of our team is always happy to answer any questions you may have.
Easy Loans Pty Ltd is a Corporate Credit Representative
(Corporate Credit Representative Number 396694) of BLSSA Pty Ltd (Australian Credit License Number 391237)
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